Wednesday 19 February 2014

Increasing Your Daily Activity to Aid Weight Loss

Losing weight is much easier when you're active throughout your day. From my experience as a personal trainer in Greenwich, I use a number of ways to make this happen. Losing weight doesn't necessarily mean running 6km every evening - there are small but beneficial steps that you can take to add activity to your daily routine. These are the small changes I've found to be most effective in helping my clients lose weight:

1. Take a walk on your lunch break

Your lunch hour at work can provide a perfect opportunity to get a walk into your daily schedule. Did you know that walking for 30 minutes at a moderate pace can burn anything from 80 to 100 calories? It also provides you with a chance to take in some fresh air. I like to do this myself in between my sessions as a Crystal Palace personal trainer.

2. Be a tourist

It is amazing how much we don’t get to see in the areas that we live. You always have the option of touring your local area and taking in all of the sights that it has to offer. After all, it won’t cost you anything, and all that walking around will allow you to actively burn calories. As a personal trainer in Greenwich, I regularly take up the opportunity to “be a tourist”.

3. Take the stairs

Think of how many times you take the lift or escalator in any given week. If you choose to take the stairs instead for these trips, you can burn at least 100 extra calories per week. As a Crystal Palace personal trainer, I actively promote this tip to my clients.

4. Play with the kids

Children are always looking to play. Their energy levels know no bounds! Why not join in on their play time. You would be surprised how many calories you can burn trying to keep up with their games!

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