Monday 10 February 2014

The Importance of Sleeping Enough For Weight Loss

Are you currently trying to lose weight? Did you know that sleep can play a key role in achieving such a goal? As a team of respected personal trainers in SE16, we believe that in order to conduct a successful weight management programme, you must look at a combination of nutrition, exercise and behavioural patterns.

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? If so, you may be susceptible to feeling sluggish throughout the day. When we feel sluggish, our bodies crave calorie-dense, sugary and processed foods, which can derail our weight loss plans. Lacking adequate sleep can cause havoc with our hormones, causing us to experience larger appetites and require more food to “feel full”.

A steady sleeping pattern is also important for optimum metabolism. If your sleeping patterns are irregular, your body will struggle to maintain a pattern for metabolising food. Remember that your body is “programmed” to conduct its most active metabolism at night time. A fast metabolic rate is an essential element for weight loss, something that any personal trainer in South London will testify to.

This also applies to those who like to spend “too much” time in bed. You should be aiming for about 8 hours sleep each night. Any more or less can affect your body’s metabolism and hormone regulation. An irregular sleeping pattern can leave you feeling disorientated, lacking focus and motivation and finding it difficult to concentrate. These feelings will make it very difficult for you to follow your fitness programme and conduct exercise. This can lead to you “putting off” and avoiding your personal trainer in SE16.

Want to find out more? Our team of expert personal trainers in South London would be glad to answer your queries!

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